
Welcome to J-Library, a platform to research, create, and share ideas.

We are a community of curious and creative minds who want to explore new topics, learn new skills, and collaborate with others. Whether you’re a student, a teacher, a researcher, or a hobbyist, you’ll find something for you on J-Library.

J-Library offers recommendations and guides to a wide range of resources, from books and articles to podcasts and videos. You can browse by category, search by keyword, or filter by popularity. There is also a news and blog section where you can stay updated on the latest trends and developments in various fields of interest including business, science and technology.


Creative Commons License

Unless otherwise indicated, all contents in the Resources category including its associated files hosted on Google Drive, are licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.


If you would like to join us in building a vibrant community by contributing your resources, visit the Contribute page for more information.


General Inquiries: [email protected]

Last Updated: Mar 16, 2024